
In this section, Kindermissionswerk provides information such as guidelines for project applications, forms and other vital information for current and future partners.

Ein Sternsinger-Projektpartner aus Haiti bei der Abrechnung.© Florian Kopp / Kindermissionswerk
© Florian Kopp / Kindermissionswerk

Please note:

  • Project applications must reach us in form of a signed original application on paper sent by post, courier or other reliable services. If you must send us an application by email, we expect to receive the corresponding original application later.
  • Please bear in mind that due to internal working procedures which involve a number of decision-making bodies, proposals should reach us at least six months before the intended start of the project.
  • Once a project has been approved and enters the implementation stage, partners have to report on a regular basis. Payments will be made in instalments depending on the financial and narrative reports provided in the interim.
  • Partners may acknowledge our funding in public where appropriate. You find our logo for download below.