
Kindermissionswerk’s best-known campaign is the Carol Singers‘ Campaign. All funds raised through the Carol Singers‘ Campaign and other fundraising activities go towards our extensive project work. In addition to the Carol Singers‘ Campaign, awareness building activities form an important part of our work.  

© Bettina Flitner / Kindermissionswerk
© Bettina Flitner / Kindermissionswerk

As the child welfare organisation of the Catholic Church in Germany, awareness building is an important task for us besides the project work itself, and we are often consulted for child-related questions in development work. We are a children’s charity, yet we also aim to educate a broader public about children’s rights and children’s issues. 

Accordingly, we educate children and adults in Germany about the lives of children in our partner countries. With the help of our educational materials for schools, kindergartens and parishes, as well as a constantly growing collection of online materials, we raise awareness for issues such as child protection, children's rights, the environment, health, peace and reconciliation.

In addition to the materials for our annual Carol Singers‘ Campaign, which include a film on the country and project chosen as examples, we have pedagogical materials on offer for St. Martin’s Day and for Children's World Mission Day.

We also send young adults as volunteers into some of our projects, where they engage in day-to-day project work, and campaign for a sustainable world after their return. 

Our educational work would be impossible without our partners, their expertise and their first-hand reports. We regularly meet for professional exchanges both in Germany and in our partner countries.